Zoom link
Every second Thursday, 16:00 CET, via Zoom
You can join the zoom meeting with these details:
Meeting ID: 68196247626 and Passcode:

It is also possible to show up in person to the lab meetings
Room: V317
Building: Harald Schjelderups hus
Address: Forskningsveien 3A, Oslo
Map: https://use.mazemap.com/?campusid=799&sharepoitype=identifier&sharepoi=GA09-V03-17&config=uio
30 January We are reuniting after a longer kama muta lab pause. We share with each other ideas for the kama muta lab sessions, Spring 2025. (Only Zoom-meeting, not in-person meeting at UiO. See Zoom-link at the top of this page).
13 February Anette Karin Åbom presents an idea for a research project seeking to examine vulnerability and worth in kama muta moments in romantic relationships.
27 February
13 March
27 March
10 April
24 April
8 May
22 May
5 June
18 January Thomas W. Schubert, Alan P. Fiske, and Beate Seibt on their paper.
1 February Dana Swarbrick presents “Being in Concert: Kama muta, Awe, and Connectedness”.
15 February Michael Zakharin & Timothy Bates on ”Validating the Structure of Social Relationships: Advancing the Measurement of Relational Models Theory”.
29 February Nicola Fadda presents “Communal sharing with the natural environment”.
14 March Anna Włodarczyk presents “Enhancing identification with all humanity through the experience of self-transcendent emotions: an experimental study”.
28 March No lab (Easter)
11 April No lab (cancelled)
25 April No lab (cancelled)
9 May No lab (Ascension)
23 May Anette Karin Åbom presents results from qualitative analyses of kama muta events in romantic relationships: “Vulnerable and Valuable; Suggested Mechanisms Involved in Kama Muta Events, and the Events’ Impact on Romantic Relationships”.
6 June Jonathon McPhetres presents “Surprise! Piloerection is a poor indicator of emotional experience“.
Autumn semester 2023
14 September Gizem, report on summer internship
28 September
12 October Thomas reports from Emotions 2023
26 October Sam Day, University of Oxford, on: Faces and Places: The Bidirectional Relationship between Smiles and Situational Context
9 November
23 November Fynn Leon Müller, German University Witten Heidecke, on Who is moved to tears easily? Individual differences in Kama Muta proneness and their relation to personality
7 December Magdalena Bobowik & Jota: “Smiles that Move: Evoking Self- and Other-Oriented Emotions towards Disadvantaged Groups and Its Prosocial Implications”
21 December End of year Kama muta kama muta lab
Schedule Spring semester 2023
16 March: Stina Kajsa
30 March Kunalan Manokara, UVA / York University
27 April: Alan on Evoking kama muta to alleviate hospital patients’ suffering
11 Mai. Miguel Leyva Salas on thesis data: prediction fundraiser giving from kama muta
25 Mai: Helen Landmann, Fernuniversität Hagen
8 June: tba
Fall semester 2022
1 September Project round
15 September Johanna Blomster, Oslo Nye Høyskole
29 September Jasper Claus, https://www.1camera.nl
13 October José Pizarro, University of the Basque Country, on awe
27 October Magdalena Smieja, Jagiellonian University
10 November Brett Murphy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
24 November Miguel Leyva Salas, on MA thesis plan
8 December Jan Wiecha, Krakow / UiO
5 January tba
19 January Brett Murphy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
2 February Daniel Brown
Kunalan Manokara UvA / York University
Spring semester 2022
3 February: Anette Åbom on her project proposal
17 February: Mario Attie, Yale University
3 March: Fu Donghan, Beijing Normal University
17 March: Marthe Moeller, UvA
31 March: Tuomas Eerola, Durham University
14 April (before Easter):
28 April: Sally D. Farley – University of Baltimore
12 May: Jan Wiecha, Centre for Emotion and Motivation Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University
26 May cancelled
9 June Remi Kaldhussæter on Kama muta in children’s play in nature (presentation of finished MA thesis)